Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Trick or Treat" - Matthew

Today was Matthew's third Halloween. Our first was in Almaty, Kazakhstan, last year and this year we were at home.

I think today was the first one that he understood what was going on. He loved his monkey costume that mommy picked out. Mommy, Matthew and I went around the block and at each house Matthew said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you". He was so excited and walked most of the way. Once we neared home he said "Again?". He wanted to go around the block and get more candy.

Once inside the house he couldn't wait to dump his bucket and take a look at all the candy. He picked an orange sucker that he wanted to eat right then.

It was so much fun to see his excitement and hold his little monkey hand as we walked from house to house. It was as much fun for me as it was for him. I love being Matthew's daddy!!!

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