Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fun at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City

Yesterday and today we had a great time at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City.

Our Church had a group of parents with young children go on this over night retreat. It was about a 2 hour drive from our house. Michelle, Matthew and I arrived shortly after noon and had the opportunity to have fun in the water park right away.

Matthew had fun playing in the water, stepping on the holes that shoot water up and sitting on daddy's tube as we went around the lazy river. He also loved watching the huge bucket of water splash everyone below.

My camera isn't waterproof so I wasn't able to get any pictures of us playing in the water, but during Matthew's short afternoon nap I went back down and took some pictures of the water park.

After nap we all got together and had dinner at the resort. Matthew and all the kids loved watching the "talking moose-head" that would occasionally say something while we were eating dinner.

At 8PM all the kids got together in their PJ's for story time in the lodge. One of the characters told the children a story before bed. Unfortunately the battery in my camera was dead so I could only take pictures with my cell phone which isn't the best.

Saturday morning we parents got together for about an hour talking about how to Shepherd our children in the way they should grow and love our Lord. The kids played in the other room with a couple of the youth group girls.

We headed home around noon and enjoyed all the beautiful fall colors on the way.

It was a great time getting away and having fun with Matthew!

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