Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

This is Matthew's 3rd Christmas. What a great day to be a little boy.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Today we went to a mall that has a Build-A-Bear store and Matthew got to build his very own bear named "Peanut Butter".

Matthew loves his bear and is sleeping with him right now.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Matthew's first Christmas program at Church

Today Matthew participated in his very first Christmas program at Church.

I'm not sure that he really knew what was going on, but I'm a very proud Daddy anyway! He's so darn adorable!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lowe's Gingerbread House & Cho Cho Train

Today Matthew and I went to Lowes to build a Gingerbread House. Matthew always loves going to these workshops because he loves to hold the hammer and the stickers while I construct the project.

The lady from Lowes that is in charge of these events knows us because this is about our 8th one. She asked Matthew what Santa was going to bring him for Christmas and he said Cho Cho Train. Matthew really loves trains recently and will watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cho Cho Train episode over and over. She said that for the last two Christmas' they have built a train over 3 different weekends, but this year they were doing something else. She said that she had a train in her office from last year and she gave it to Matthew. Boy was he excited to have this cute little train.

Monday, December 3, 2012

35 months old, 2 yrs 11 months old, or almost 3.

Every month since Matthew was 8 months old I have taken his picture on the third of the month. His birthday is January 3, 2010.

We met him on the day he turned 8 months and went back to Kaz to get him just before he turned 10 months.

At some point I would like to take all of his "monthly" pictures and put them into a timeline so that I can see how he has changed.

Not sure what you actuall call it at this point, but today he is 35 months old, 2 yrs 11 months old, or almost 3.

We love you little Matthew. You are so adorable!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Matthew saw Santa today

Today the credit union had a visit by Santa. Matthew got to sit on his lap and tell Santa his Christmas wishes.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Santa & Train Ride at the Mall

Guess who saw Santa at the mall today? Matthew!

We were in the Children's Place and Santa showed up. Matthew was so excited he went up to Santa and gave him a big hug and a high-five and then he posed for a picture. I think I heard him telling Santa that he wanted a train for Christmas. Matthew even gave Santa a kiss and hug before we left the store

We went to the play area while we were waiting for the train rides to open. Matthew had a lot of fun climbing on all the toys and sliding down the sand castle

It was finally time for the train ride. For the past couple weeks Matthew has been asking to go to the mall to ride the train. He posed for a couple pictures and then it was time for our ride to begin. We went around the entire mall, past all the stores and all the people. The ride lasted for about 10 minutes and was a lot of fun!

Monday, November 5, 2012


It was two years ago today that we woke up at our house for the first time with 10 month old baby Matthew in his crib. We were finally home together!

It’s hard to remember what life was like before Matthew came into our lives. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years already!

Recently I’ve noticed how much Matthew is learning and how quickly he’s changing. The following is a list of things that have happened recently (in the past month or so) which I’ve noticed. Matthew is only 2 years and 10 month old and he seems to catch on so quick to things!

Some recent “Matthew-isms”:
1. He says his first and last name together and then has a cute smile on his face as if he’s so proud of himself. I’m not sure how he learned his last name because I don’t think we told him. Maybe it was at the babysitter’s house.
2. He knows what street to turn on to get home. If we pass it he will ask if we are going home. It seems he has a great sense of direction.
3. When we get near the place that he and I get a haircut he will say "hair cut", or near the mall, Meijer or Menards he will say "Mall", "Meijer", Menards". 4. He knows which animals bite (are aggressive)and which are nice. He also knows which have paws or hands, and tails or not and will tell us these facts when he sees a picture of an animal.
5. He undresses himself (his pants, socks, shoes and coat). He still needs help with his shirt though.
6. He likes to snap the snaps on his onesies by himself. It takes awhile, but he can do it and he's so proud of it too!
7. When we ask him to get a diaper he will run into his room and get one from the drawer where we keep them and bring one back to us.
8. He loves chicken nuggets, peaches, hot dogs, spaghettios and applesauce.
9. He will get the box of waffles out of the freezer if he wants one for breakfast.
10. He helps himself to the grapes in the refrigerator (if they are on a low shelf).
11. He will tell us “Don’t like that” if he sees something he doesn’t want to eat.
12. He can eat a whole McDonald’s hamburger by himself. Seems like a lot of food to me, but he eats it! And he loves ketchup on his fries!
13. He loves the Mickey Mouse club and will even repeat what Mickey says at the start of the show “Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse”.
14. He calls a somersault "apple sault" because it sort of sounds the same. He sure can do some amazing somersaults all by himself!
15. The cutest thing of all is when he’s sitting in the back seat of the car and says “Matthew’s song please” which is “What faith Can Do” by Kutless (and was the song I listened to a million times during our adoption journey). It's funny how he loves that song and I do too!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Matthew loves his toy cars

Each morning Matthew goes downstairs with me when I take my shower. He plays in a huge room filled with his favorite toys as I get ready for work.

He loves his little toy cars and often lines them up on the couch or in a long line on the floor. This morning he found a new location to park his fleet - on Mommy's treadmill!

Sometimes a treadmill makes a good place to park your cars I guess.

They were organized so neat that I decided to take a couple pictures. Wonder what Mommy is going to do in the morning when she gets up to run and sees this.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Trick or Treat" - Matthew

Today was Matthew's third Halloween. Our first was in Almaty, Kazakhstan, last year and this year we were at home.

I think today was the first one that he understood what was going on. He loved his monkey costume that mommy picked out. Mommy, Matthew and I went around the block and at each house Matthew said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you". He was so excited and walked most of the way. Once we neared home he said "Again?". He wanted to go around the block and get more candy.

Once inside the house he couldn't wait to dump his bucket and take a look at all the candy. He picked an orange sucker that he wanted to eat right then.

It was so much fun to see his excitement and hold his little monkey hand as we walked from house to house. It was as much fun for me as it was for him. I love being Matthew's daddy!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving our pumpkin together

Tonight we carved our Halloween pumpkin together. On the spur of the moment daddy came up with this design and Matthew loved it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Matthew!

It was two years ago today that we were reunited with our son Matthew. What an exciting and happy day it was for us all. After waiting for 64 days since our first trip he was in our arms forever. I will never forget when one of the mama’s put him in my arms on this special day and the tears of joy were flowing from my eyes.

It’s been said that when you have a child the time just flies by and I have to say that its true. Never in my life has time gone by so fast. I wish there was something I could do to slow it down. I look at pictures of Matthew and am shocked by how much he has changed. It’s almost hard to remember back then. I’m so glad that we have our two blogs – our adoption journey and this one, so that we have a journal of Matthew growing up and the memories we have made along the way.

The past year has been a lot of fun. We went to our first circus, attended Kazapalooza in Sandusky, OH at the Kalahari Resort, went to the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City and did a lot of other fun little things along the way. The one thing that I enjoy the most, and I hope doesn’t end for quite awhile, is when Matthew says “Daddy, hold me” and he sits on my lap and we give each other big hugs.

I love our son with all my heart. He means the world to me. God really blessed me when He brought this sweet little boy my life.

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day son! We love you!

Here is the video of that perfect day two years ago –

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a difference 2 years can make

Two years ago today we were headed back to Kazakhstan to get our 9 month old Matthew. It was so exciting knowing that we were only about 40 hours away from holding him forever.

Today, we went to Lowe's Build & Grow to make a Creepy Keeper box for Halloween. Matthew had fun holding the hammer and helping daddy hit the nails into the wood. We really enjoy going to these together. I'm sure it won't be too long before Matthew builds the entire project vs. the way it currently works where I build 99% of it and he bangs on the nails a few times.

Here's what we made today -

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Adoptive Families at Koetsier's Greenhouse for Halloween

This is an annual event put on by FFIC where internationally adoptive children living in west Michigan have some fall fun. This is our second year attending the event. Tonight we met a very nice family and their son who was adopted from Astana, Kazakhstan.

Matthew had so much fun with all the activities. We started out on a hay ride through the woods and around the farm while enjoying a very tasty apple. We saw a mini farm with goats and chickens - or "chicken nuggets" as Matthew calls them. We just finished the hay ride and got inside just before it started raining buckets!

We had a nice dinner of hot dogs, chips, veggies, candy, apple cider and more. Matthew enjoyed playing in the corn kernels, riding the tractors, playing in the bounce house, walking through the indoor "corn maze" and haunted house, tossing the bean bags into the pumpkins, painting a pumpkin and saying "Cheese" a million times as I took about 200 pictures.

It was so much fun and is so nice that the Koetsier family allows us to enjoy this while meeting with many other internationally adopted children and families.