Monday, November 5, 2012


It was two years ago today that we woke up at our house for the first time with 10 month old baby Matthew in his crib. We were finally home together!

It’s hard to remember what life was like before Matthew came into our lives. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years already!

Recently I’ve noticed how much Matthew is learning and how quickly he’s changing. The following is a list of things that have happened recently (in the past month or so) which I’ve noticed. Matthew is only 2 years and 10 month old and he seems to catch on so quick to things!

Some recent “Matthew-isms”:
1. He says his first and last name together and then has a cute smile on his face as if he’s so proud of himself. I’m not sure how he learned his last name because I don’t think we told him. Maybe it was at the babysitter’s house.
2. He knows what street to turn on to get home. If we pass it he will ask if we are going home. It seems he has a great sense of direction.
3. When we get near the place that he and I get a haircut he will say "hair cut", or near the mall, Meijer or Menards he will say "Mall", "Meijer", Menards". 4. He knows which animals bite (are aggressive)and which are nice. He also knows which have paws or hands, and tails or not and will tell us these facts when he sees a picture of an animal.
5. He undresses himself (his pants, socks, shoes and coat). He still needs help with his shirt though.
6. He likes to snap the snaps on his onesies by himself. It takes awhile, but he can do it and he's so proud of it too!
7. When we ask him to get a diaper he will run into his room and get one from the drawer where we keep them and bring one back to us.
8. He loves chicken nuggets, peaches, hot dogs, spaghettios and applesauce.
9. He will get the box of waffles out of the freezer if he wants one for breakfast.
10. He helps himself to the grapes in the refrigerator (if they are on a low shelf).
11. He will tell us “Don’t like that” if he sees something he doesn’t want to eat.
12. He can eat a whole McDonald’s hamburger by himself. Seems like a lot of food to me, but he eats it! And he loves ketchup on his fries!
13. He loves the Mickey Mouse club and will even repeat what Mickey says at the start of the show “Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse”.
14. He calls a somersault "apple sault" because it sort of sounds the same. He sure can do some amazing somersaults all by himself!
15. The cutest thing of all is when he’s sitting in the back seat of the car and says “Matthew’s song please” which is “What faith Can Do” by Kutless (and was the song I listened to a million times during our adoption journey). It's funny how he loves that song and I do too!

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