Monday, November 28, 2011

Our first throw up

So why am I writing about this? Because it's a "first".

Today I picked up Matthew from the baby sitters. He didn't seem like himself when I got there. She had just given him a sippy cup of milk and some pringles and he wasn't interested in them at all. That's not like Matthew either he loves snacks and his milk!

We got home and I could just tell something wasn't right. I asked him if he wanted "juice". He didn't seem to care. Usually he's all over "juice" when we walk in the house. I got him a sippy cup of juice and gave it to him thinking that he would drink it for sure. I was carrying him since we walked in the house and after handing him the juice I put him down on the floor. Then it happened. He threw up all over the carpet by the door. I was in shock for a nano-second. I picked him up as he was crying and went quickly to the kitchen sink because I could tell he wasn't done. Unfortunately we didn't make it all the way to the sink. We had mess #2 down the kitchen cabinet, on him and all down the front of me.

From there I took him to the bath tub because I just didn't know what to do. He was miserable and we were full of "yucky". I called Michelle and said "Something is wrong with Matthew. I need you to leave work RIGHT NOW". Matthew got a little sick again in the bath tub. Once finished I got all of our clothes off and threw them in the wash and I held him in my arms till mom got home. While we were waiting for her I called the doctors office and told the nurse what happened. She said not to give him anything to eat or drink for 3 hours so his stomach could empty and calm down. Then she said to give him 1 ounce of flat 7up and see if he could keep it down. If so, we could give him another ounce after 15 minutes and repeat this process for a hour.

Our little Matthew looked so sad. It about broke my heart. We held him through the evening on our laps. He got sick a few more times but mom made sure we were prepared with a plastic shoe box which worked really well.

By the end of the evening Matthew started feeling a bit better. We could tell from the way he was acting. We gave him the 7up three times over 45 minutes and he kept it down! We could tell he was getting tired so by 8PM I put him to bed and so far he sounds like he's doing fine.

I pray that our little guy feels like himself in the morning and this was just a temporary sickness. It makes us feel so sad to see him not feel well.

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