Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My 2nd Father's Day

Father’s Day is quickly approaching. This will be my 2nd Father’s Day with Matthew.

I realize that this day is about getting Dad a card and telling him that you love him, but that’s sort of hard for a 2 year old to do. Matthew has started to master pronouncing the word “love” and I love to hear him say “I loooove YOU!” as he yells the word “you” out at the end.

For me this day is about being Matthew’s Dad. About the unbelievable gift that God gave me, and the love that I have for Matthew that is impossible to put into words. The love for my son is like no other. I would die a million times over for my little boy.

I look forward to all of the years to come, yet I don’t want them to come too fast. It seems like this past year has flown by and as much as I try to document it in this blog or in pictures I feel like I’ve missed so much. Time never seemed to go so fast before I became a Dad.

My little boy is growing up, he’s becoming so inquisitive and his mind seems to be like a sponge picking up every last little detail about things. He knows almost all the names of the other kids at daycare; he remembers the names of every dog that he has seen; he’s getting really accurate on saying his colors; and every time I hear him singing his ABC’s, even though they aren’t complete, he can get blocks of 4 or 5 letters at a time; and he’s getting pretty darn good with counting his numbers from 1 to 10.

So on this Father’s Day I want to hold my little Matthew, give him hugs and kisses, play with him on the floor when he asks “Daddy play?” and just show him that he means the world to me.

I love you Matthew! I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you or show you. You’re my son!!!!!!!

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