Monday, March 12, 2012

I’ve never known love the way I love my son

I never knew that love could pierce my heart so deep. I feel it go from the top of my head and push to the very tips of my toes. When I see his picture or him sleeping in his crib it just takes my breath away. To see the way his little eyes almost close when he smiles and the look on his face is absolutely priceless.

How did this little boy just captivate my life? How can it be that life before him seemed to not exist?

To roll on the floor with him and play tickle games so he giggles, or hide and seek as he runs to find daddy. These are the things life is made for.

I race to the babysitter’s house each day after work, weaving in and out of traffic and rushing to beat stop lights so I can get to my boy. The hours away from him seem like forever, but once he’s in my arms the time melts away.

I can’t believe how this little boy has found the love in my heart that I didn’t even know existed. Is it the twinkle in his eye when he looks at me with a smile or the feel of his arms around my neck when he hugs me?

His every step, his every smile, his every breath just makes blows me away.

How is it that I was so fortunate, so lucky, so blessed to be allowed to be his dad? There’s no way that it was because of something that I did. I don’t take it lightly and I will cherish it deeply each day of my life.

He’s now old enough to walk and loves to do it by himself, yet daddy is always there with an outstretched finger for him to hold on to. Is that finger there to let him know that I’m near, or is it for me to feel his little hand clinched on?

It seems like time is racing by just like everyone said that it would. I was certain that I would be able to find a way to make it slow down but no matter how hard I try it just keeps going on.

I cherish each moment and the unbelievable gift God gave me. The love of a father to his son is much deeper than words can express. Even though I will tell him I love him every chance that I get, it's my actions that will show him how precious he is.

I absolutely love being a dad!

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