Monday, December 12, 2011

My little Matthew got bit at daycare

It's with a very sad heart that I write this. Today at daycare my precious little Matthew got bit by a 2 year old little girl. I guess Matthew took the toy she was playing with and she turned around and took a bite right out of his cheek.

I was told by the daycare lady that Matthew cried for only a second as if nothing had happened. They put the little girl in time out and scolded her - yet that doesn't make me feel much better. My sweet little boy got hurt.

On top of that Matthew has had a very upset tummy and bowels for yesterday and today. He just doesn't seem like himself. He doesn't want to eat, and whatever we get him to eat just goes right through him. I sure hope he gets better soon and his little face heals quick too.


  1. wow she got him good!!! poor buddy hope he gets better soon! Erin

  2. Oh poor sweet Matthew, I am sure it will look a little better in the morning just keep lots of Neosporin on it I would even put a little on when he is asleep
