Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - The year of more firsts.

2011 was a very good year with many firsts.

*Matthew had his very first birthday.
*Matthew learned to walk (run) and say many cute little words.
*Matthew started going to day care each day - and daddy survived.
*We had our first Mother's and Father's Day.
*We went to Kazapalooza for the first time and met some really nice families who also adopted from Kaz. Matthew also got his first kiss at Kazapalooza from a sweet little girl.

So far this winter we there hasn't been ANY snow. That's not normal for our part of the world. Today is December 31st and tomorrow we are supposed to get between 8" to 10" of snow. This afternoon Matthew got all ready. He absolutely loved running around the house in his hat and gloves.

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