Sunday, September 29, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge

We had a fun time at the Great Wolf Lodge this weekend with our Church.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sometimes playing can be more fun than practice

Today was Matthew's fourth soccer practice. Well it really wasn't "practice" today, instead it was Matthew just having fun in his own little world.

Regardless he was having a great time!

Ummm... I wonder if the ball will sit on the bottom of the cone if I tip it upside down?

Hey, I found a string on the field...

What a view from inside the net. I just hope no one kicks a ball that hits me!

I'll throw it in the air with my hands. No one will notice.

Hey, this is fun to play catch with!

Maybe I'll just stand here and watch everyone else.

My arm fits in this cone pretty well.

I'll take this cone over here and see if anyone notices it's missing.

Oh. I'm only suppose to use one foot when I kick the ball, uh?

I think I'll just sit down here and watch everyone else.

Hey cutie, do you come here often? Thanks for sitting by me.

Hey the ball sits on top of this yellow cup too! Wow!

Maybe I can sit on the yellow cup and the ball too.

Hey is that an airplane in the sky or a bird?

I guess I'll let Daddy get one good picture tonight.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Matthew's 2nd soccer practice

Tonight was Matthew's 2nd soccer practice.

We got to the field early and saw two little girls from daycare who love our little Matthew. Addison in yellow, and Payton in blue. They both wanted their picture taken with the cute soccer boy and couldn't wait to get their arm around him. Payton decided to give Matthew a huge hug. Within a second they were both on the ground arm in arm laughing at each other. Our little guy is a heart-throb, that's for sure.

Practice was fun. Part of the time he was very involved and was kicking his ball, and then in the next moment he lost all concentration and was focused on something else. It was so funny!

I think the part of practice that Matthew likes the most is the treat at the end!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 years 8 months old today & first soccer practice

Today Matthew turned 3 years 8 months old. It also was the day that he had his very first soccer practice.

It was so much fun watching him in his cute little soccer shoes and his "boots" (as he calls them) which are actually his shin guards. He did a great job and had remarkable ball control as he kicked the ball across the field and into the net many times.

Daddy loved taking pictures too. In the 45 minutes of practice I took 239 pictures! Below are a few of the good ones.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Today we saw the Disney movie "Planes"

Today is Labor Day and we decided to take Matthew to see the Disney movie "Planes". This was Matthew's second movie in a theater and he really loved it!