Friday, August 23, 2013

Vacation Bible School

This week our Church had Vacation Bible School in the evenings for the kids. Matthew really enjoyed it and each morning said “I go to Bible school tonight!”. This was his first year attending.

The children learned many ways to serve others and how Jesus loves them. Matthew had fun with his friends and made a different art project each night. They enjoyed ice cream and playing with their little noise makers too!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our first camping trip

This weekend our Church had a father/son camping trip. Matthew was very excited to go and asked me every day if we were going camping today. Finally Friday arrived and we loaded up the car with all our stuff and met the other guys at our camp site. It was on a piece of property owned by a member of the Church and was complete with its own little pond.

We set up our tent and then went fishing. Matthew caught his very first fish!!! He had a lot of fun casting his pretend fish with his Mickey Mouse fishing pole and also playing with the other little boys in the sand with their trucks.

I was worried that he might not sleep well in the tent because he had never slept anywhere other than his bed at home, but he took it all in stride. He actually loved it and woke up on Saturday morning with a big smile on his face.

It was a lot of fun for all of us. I’m sure that Matthew will be excited to go camping again sometime!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Getting ready for the Father/Son camping trip

This coming Friday our Church is having a Father/Son camping trip. Matthew has never slept in a tent or gone camping. So tonight we set up the tent in the back yard and played in it.

The overnight trip wouldn't be complete without a little fishing with his brand new Mickey Mouse fish pole. Within 10 minutes he mastered how to cast! He sure catches on quick.

I can't wait to spent the night in our tent camping together..... I just hope that we both are able to get some sleep.

If casting the bait like daddy showed you doesn’t work you can always improvise!!!

Within 10 minutes he was casting like a pro… but still wanted his bait to go a bit farther.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fun afternoon visiting a farm

This afternoon we had a great time visiting a farm in Conklin, MI. They have a "petting" farm on Saturdays.

Matthew liked the baby goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits and riding the pedal tractor. Michelle liked the goats and I liked the white Silkie chickens. I've wanted one for quite awhile because they look so neat.

We fed all the animals and had the opportunity to experience a little of farm life. We enjoyed some lemonade and popcorn as Matthew drove the tractor.

I told the lady that runs the farm about our 5 "backyard chickens" and told her how much I admired her Silkies. She asked if I wanted to purchase one for a couple dollars. Of course I couldn't say "no", so we ended up bring one home. We named her "Snow White" because she is so soft looking and white. Who would have ever thought that "visiting" a farm that we would bring one of the animals home?

Happy 3rd Metcha Day

Three years ago today was a day I will never forget. After almost 40 hours of travel to the other side of the world we were taken to the baby house in UST-Kameogorsk, Kazakhstan to meet the tiny little 7 month old baby boy who would become our son.

Today, 3 years later, he is sitting next to me on the couch drinking his sippy cup of milk and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as I type this. Later this morning we will be going to Home Depot to build a truck, and this afternoon we will be visiting a farm to see all the animals.

Happy 3rd Metcha Day - Matthew James Adilet Hansen! You still have me wrapped around your finger just as you did on that very first day! We love you so much!