Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fun at the Kangaroo Palace

Yesterday we went to the Kangaroo Palace with a group of parents from our Church. The group is for parents of young children to get together and discuss ways to Shepherd our children to know and love the Lord.

We started out with 90 minutes of play time enjoying all the slides and bounce houses followed by a time to have pizza lunch and discuss how to lead our children.

Matthew absolutely loved all the activities and went down every slide they have, including a couple that even mom and dad didn't want to go down. Matthew is fearless.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little blond girl at daycare

Recently Matthew has taken a likening to a little 3 year old girl at daycare. She has long blond hair and wears pink most of the time. Yes, she’s that little girl that daddy’s dread their little boys meeting!

Matthew tells me often that “Dana my friend”, “I like Dana”, “I like pink”. Remember, Matthew just turned 3 at the start of January.

Friday when I picked him up Dana ran over to him and give him a big hug, 2 kisses on the cheek and say “Bye, Bye Maffew” –Yes I about fell over.

Then yesterday “Maffew” and Dana were behind the couch eating chocolate chip cookies together and playing with Dana’s tablet (yes – a tablet computer at 3 years old!). I noticed that she had “Choo Choo trains on the screen” – I can just picture it – “Maffew want some cookies? Come behind the couch and I’ll show you trains on my tablet”. Then as we were leaving she said “I want to go to Maffews house”. I looked at the day care lady – we both smiled – and I nicely told Dana “Not today honey. Maybe in 20 years or after Maffew’s daddy dies”.

And no, I’m not jealous that my very cute Kazakh son has a little blond girl chasing him around at the age of 3 – yet in all my life I never had a girl/woman chase me around – no, I’m not jealous.

Our little boy, girls, at the age of 3? Lord help me!

This is Dana -

Sunday, January 13, 2013

First time on potty chair

In the past week Matthew's babysitter has said that he has expressed interest in going to the potty like the bigger kids. He hasn't gone potty yet, but has started sitting on it at least.

Today was the first time at home he asked to sit on the potty chair, so we were more than willing to let him. He sat there for about 5 minutes as I read him a book. Even though he didn't go he's on the next step of turning into a big boy.

I'm so proud of him!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Matthew!

Today Matthew turns 3 years old. Wow, where has the time gone? Just the other day we were in Kazakhstan meeting him when he was only 7 months old.

He has been home for the last 26 months and the time has gone by so fast. It seems like I was carrying him in a baby car seat and he was crawling around the house just a few months ago. Our little boy is growing up so fast. I wish time would slow down. I love holding him, hugging him and playing on the floor together. I don't want this time to ever end.

Today you are 3 Matthew. I want you to know how much your mommy and I love you. You are the sweetest little boy in the world. You make us smile and laugh all the time. You are just so precious! We love you! Happy Birthday son! xoxo