Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our sick little boy

Little Matthew has been sick since last Saturday and today is Tuesday. The doctor says he has a mild form of the croup. His temperature keeps going up and down and he's miserable. His little nose is stuffed up and he doesn't know how to blow it.

Last night mommy and I took turns getting up about every half-hour as Matthew called for us. It's so sad to seem him not feel well.

Tonight he fell asleep in the living room with his head on his teddy bears as he was watching his favorite movie

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2nd time using the potty chair

This morning I decided to see if Matthew would use the potty chair again. I got him up and took him to the living room where the potty was sitting and put him on it. As he was watching cartoons and drinking his milk from his sippy cut he went tinkle, not once but twice! It only took him about 10 minutes too.

This marks the second time that he successfully used the potty chair. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of Matthew!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

37 months old today and first time going potty

Guess who is 3 years and 1 month old today? Our little Matthew.

But most important, for the VERY first time Matthew went tinkle on his own little potty. When he woke up this morning he was dry so I thought I would try to see if he would use the potty since after he drinks his milk he usually fills up his diaper and needs a change right away. This morning I gave him his milk and sat him on his potty chair in the living room as we watched the Mickey Mouse Club (his favorite show). We sat there for 30 minutes with nothing other than daddy begging Matthew to go potty. After the show was over I decided to carry him into the bathroom on his potty chair and turn on the water in the tub. I've heard that sometimes works. Well after sitting there for what seemed like forever I got desperate and decided that maybe bribery would work. I offered to take him to McDonalds after Church for a hamburger and french fries but he still wouldn't go. Mommy came in the bathroom and sat on the floor with us and tried to bribe him with M&M's but that didn't work too well either. So I offered to take him to the mall to play on all the toys... and we still waited. Then I pulled out the big guns - I offered to take him on the train ride inside the mall. He absolutely loves trains! Within a couple minutes the tinkle started as he sat there eating his pop tart!!!!!!!!! So after Church today we are going to be busy. McDonalds for lunch and the mall to play on the toys and to ride the train.

He's obviously pretty smart because after about 60 minutes of holding out, he decided to wait till the bribes got good enough to use the potty. Do you think he had this planned?

We are so proud of him! Happy 37 month birthday today Matthew you're a BIG BOY now!